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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our Christmas Holiday

So I just kept putting off a new post for Christmas because I did not have pictures yet....But WHO NEEDS PICTURES!

Is there a blogging rule that you cannot post unless you attach cute photos? NO! And so, while I await the pictures from my in-laws (note to self: Always bring own camera to Christmas so as to not rely on others)....I will post with words and perhaps get pictures on later.

It's really over. The whole Holiday Season; gone. It was just amazing though. I have already mentioned the wedding we had. What a crazy weekend! I worked way to much for my current condition but I think it's in my blood. I can't just stand around and say, "oh I'm pregnant...I'll just sit here." I feel guilty that everyone around is bustling to do this or that and as a true blooded Facer, you just are not satisfied with watching and waiting. That wedding weekend, I was up late working on details, worked all day Friday to set up at the reception, got up super early to do Lindsey's bridal hair, and kept going and going with the festivities. Amidst all the glory of the wedding, I was stressing and preparing for our Sunday Christmas Sacrament Program. The one I was completely in charge of. I pulled it off though. In fact I have never received such generous compliments from so many people. I am grateful for the Spirit which was felt, I know that I could not do it without the Spirit and I'm so glad that it was present.

The next few days (22-24) were a little bit calmer. The days consisted of gingerbread house making, doctor's appointment, haircuts, gourmet dinner prep and eating, games, nativity scene reinactment, Christmas Eve seafood dinner, present wrapping, stockings stuffed, and anticipation for the Day of Christmas.


Oh what a day. It's like the baby knew what day it was because at 5:30am...kick, kick, flip, movement, kick. I was not going back to sleep. Half hour later the little kids came in (we slept over at the in-laws almost an entire 2 weeks over the holidays). The madness began. Everyone was in their Christmas Eve jammies, and all the girls had french braids from the night before. We went around the room; youngest to oldest, one at a time until the tree stood empty. A few highlights for me....

baby swing, playpen, clothes, etc
fuzzy crocs
Guitar Hero World Tour (yes David got it for ME,hmm)
piano lamp
necklace for all the girls to match
down comfortor King Size! (we have a queen bed but
don't fight over covers anymore)

The list, of course, could go on. We played guitar hero with two guitars and a singer (we have yet to get drums), then just hang out playing new board games, eating way too much food and spending the entire day in our pajamas. No one got out of them until the next day. Boxing day was a continual of games and lounging. The family played a great game of football and we had dinner with other friends and family.

And before we all knew it...2009 was at the door. Happy New Year! I love that I am back in my own bed, in my own house. I have set up all the baby stuff and have started the laundry process for all his new clothes, blankets, bedding, etc. I am excited for time to fly out the window and for labor to begin. Ok so maybe that last part I'm not 'excited' for....but I want to have a baby to hold; I guess that means I do want labor to come...ahhhhh!

Hope all had a merry holiday season.

1 comment:

Esplins said...

Yea updates!! What a fun Christmas! I still want to see pictures but words work for now. It was good to talk to you the other day. I'll call you again soon. Hope all went well at your appt. You're almost there!