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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chelsea Month:9

Time is just flying by....My Princess is getting older.

This month has been a little bit more challenging for our Goo. I'll mention the events and you can probably figure out why:)

-Went to Spokane, WA for a week. Carson and the other cousins age 2+ went to Gramma Camp and Mom & Aunt Pam hung out with the babies

-Got her first tooth!!

-Can now pull herself up to EVERYTHING

-Would much rather nurse than eat any other way

-Slept 12-14 hours straight 15% of the month..with encouragement from mom (crying it out)

-Had a fever and cold/flu separate from teething

-Changed her mind and now grass is too pokey to touch or sit on

-Decided she doesn't want to be in any other room but the one mom is in

She's growing up, our GOO.

1 comment:

Angie Facer said...

I remember when she was born!! I met Hansen a few days before. Hansen, Kaylee and I were at lunch and they were looking at pictures of her someone texted them right after she was born. She was so cute!