He is finally here! Carson Scott Daines was born February 12, 2009 by emergency C-Section. The little guy was having distress while I was in labor and when his heart rate dropped to 40 we were rushed into surgery. What was causing such distress...Carson's love of acrobatics. The cord was wrapped around his waist twice and then around each foot!
Our miracle baby weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and measured 19 3/4 in. He made his appearance at 5:50am and his Apgars were 8 & 9. SO HEALTHY! He loves to eat and holds eye contact quite well. We are in love. Daddy is back to work today and misses his son so much. It is my favorite thing to sit on the bed with my boys and watch how much David loves our son.
Here are a few of the greatest things about motherhood that if anyone told me before hand I wouldn't have believed them.
* If we are in the same room but he's lying down and not with me: I Miss Him! I miss holding my baby
* Nursing is one of the most rewarding & enjoyable experiences
* I could stare at him all day; I love to look at my sleeping baby
* Love and Joy is felt so strong that I cry randomly
I couldn't be happier about being a mom. It's hard...as most everyone knows. I am so tired! I'm emotional and things really bother me and then I cry. It seems like I am constantly doing the same things over and over BUT....I have a perfect child. He makes every possible negative go away instantly. Life is great!